Once upon a time, I zen-ed out...chapter nine.
After last week's tile, I promised some sass - and I've delivered. I asked what craziness I might entertain, well here it is!

Having spent two weeks diving into the .01 weight nib-life, I switched things up...all the way up to the 1pt life...and things are chunky up here.
I just thought using the .01pt pen required me to concentrate on my fine line details. Using a 1pt pen showed me how very important precision should be...which is why the official Zentangle rules state the tangler should concentrate on each line as its being formed, rather than worry about the full tile, or even that thread area.
I can't say that the results of this 1pt tile are my favorite, so I should probably keep working on this technique. I attempted some new patterns, as well, and like the idea of learning to refine the ribbon pattern for future borders. For now, I know that varying my weights cannot become a distraction to execution of each line...and that seems a worthwhile lesson to learn. Yay for week nine!