Once upon a time, I zen-ed out...chapter three.
I’m not sure this method is on-brand for official Zentangling, but it is on brand for Amy Jackson! While this exercise should help me to str
Once upon a time, I zen-ed out...chapter two.
After last week’s challenge to stop thinking about layout and find the zen in each stroke, I was determined to do more molecular thinking th
Once upon a time, I rediscovered bagels.
I run from thing to thing...some good things, some necessary things, some dumb things I like to think are necessary and good. I seem to fill
Once upon a time, I zen-ed out...chapter one.
My designer-heart was palpitating even as I sat down to focus on each line, fill each space without thought of the completed work, and delib
Once upon a time, I was a hipster.
I like some people who produce podcasts. I like their books, their tweets, their thoughts. So, I decided the best way to get in touch with m